درس دوم ریدینگ آیلتس : سوالات چند گزینه ای Multiple Choice

آموزش پاسخ دادن به سوالات چند جوابی ریدینگ آیلتس

اهداف این درس:

  • نحوه جواب دادن به سوالات چند جوابی یا Multiple Choice ریدینگ آیلتس
  • تمرین روش اسکنینگ در ریدینگ Scanning
  • اهمیت یادگیری مترادف ها برای پاسخ دادن به سوالات ریدینگ آیلتس

استراتژی و روش لازم برای پاسخ دادن به سوالات Multiple Choice

  1. ابتدا سوالات را سریع بخوانید
  2. زیر کلمات کلیدی موجود در سوال خط بکشید
  3. سپس متن را اسکن کنید و کلمات کلیدی موجود در سوال را در متن پیدا کنید
  4. جواب باید در نزدیکی همان کلمات کلیدی باشد
  5. سوالات به ترتیب قراردارند

توجه داشته باشید :

کلمات کلیدی در متن و کلمات کلیدی در سوال ، همیشه عینا شبیه به هم نخواهند بود بلکه از مترادف ها استفاده می شود.

تمرین یک پاراگراف و یک سوال چند جوابی ریدینگ

قبل از شروع یک متن اصلی، ابتدا باید یک سوال شروع می کنیم. در متن زیر دو پاراگراف داریم.

اول از همه کلمات کلیدی موجود در سوال را شناسایی کنید. سپس متن را اسکن کنید تا آن کلمات یا مترادف آنها را شناسایی کنید.

پس از یافتن کلمات کلیدی، جملات کناری آن را بخوانید تا بهترین جواب مورد نظر را انتخاب کنید.

تمرین اول:

What is dry farming?

A: Preserving nitrates and moisture.

B: Ploughing the land again and again.

C: Cultivating fallow land.

Australian Agricultural Innovations:
1850 – 1900

During this period, there was a wide spread expansion of agriculture in Australia. The selection system was begun, whereby small sections of land were parceled out by lot. Particularly in New South Wales, this led to conflicts between small holders and the emerging squatter class, whose abuse of the system often allowed them to take vast tracts of fertile land.

There were also many positive advances in farming technology as the farmers adapted agricultural methods to the harsh Australian conditions. One of the most important was “dry farming”. This was the discovery that repeated ploughing of fallow, unproductive land could preserve nitrates and moisture, allowing the land to eventually be cultivated. This, along with the extension of the railways allowed the development of what are now great inland wheat lands.

توضیح جواب:

برای جواب دادن به این سوال، باید dry farming را به عنوان کلمه کلیدی انتخاب کرده باشید.

سپس باید قادر باشید که متن دو پاراگراف را به سرعت اسکن کنید و عبارت “dry farming” یا مشابه آن را پیدا کنید.

با خواندن یک خط بالاتر و یک خط پایین تر متوجه می شوید که جواب صحیح گزینه C می باشد.

Cultivating یعنی بهبود و آماده سازی زمین زراعی توسط شخم زدن (به انگلیسی Plow یا Plough)

بنابراین جواب در این خط قرار دارد “ploughing of fallow land … to eventually be cultivated”

پس از یادگرفتن نحوه پاسخ دادن به سوالات چند جوابی ریدینگ آیلتس ، وقت آن رسیده که با یک نمونه واقعی IELTS Reading ، میزان مهارت خود را محک بزنید. در ادامه یک متن کامل به همراه پنج سوال را داریم که شما باید حداکثر در ده دقیقه پاسخ دهید.

نمونه واقعی سوال ریدینگ چند جوابی Multiple Choice

Full Practice – IELTS Multiple Choice

1 – What is dry farming?

A: Preserving nitrates and moisture.
B: Ploughing the land again and again.
C: Cultivating fallow land.

2 – What did H. V. McKay do?

A: Export the stripper.
B: Improve the stripper.
C: Cut, collect and sort wheat.

3 – What did the ‘stump jump plough’ innovation allow farmers to do?

A: Cut through tree stumps.
B: Change the wheels for a traditional plough.”
C: Allow farmers to cultivate land that hadn’t been fully cleared.

4 – What did John Custance recommend?

A: Improving wheat yields.
B: Revitalising the industry.
C: Fertilizing the soil.

5 – Why was William Farrer’s wheat better?

A: It was drought resistant.
B: It wasn’t from England or South Africa.
C: It was drier for Australian conditions.

متن ریدینگ مربوط به سوالات Multiple Choice

Australian Agricultural Innovations:
1850 – 1900

During this period, there was a wide spread expansion of agriculture in Australia. The selection system was begun, whereby small sections of land were parceled out by lot. Particularly in New South Wales, this led to conflicts between small holders and the emerging squatter class, whose abuse of the system often allowed them to take vast tracts of fertile land.

There were also many positive advances in farming technology as the farmers adapted agricultural methods to the harsh Australian conditions. One of the most important was “dry farming”. This was the discovery that repeated ploughing of fallow, unproductive land could preserve nitrates and moisture, allowing the land to eventually be cultivated. This, along with the extension of the railways allowed the development of what are now great inland wheat lands.

The inland areas of Australia are less fertile than most other wheat producing countries and yields per acre are lower. This slowed their development, but also led to the development of several labour saving devices. In 1843 John Ridley, a South Australian farmer, invented “the stripper”, a basic harvesting machine. By the 1860s its use was widespread. H. V. McKay, then only nineteen, modified the machine so that it was a complete harvester: cutting, collecting and sorting. McKay developed this early innovation into a large harvester manufacturing industry centred near Melbourne and exporting worldwide. Robert Bowyer Smith invented the “stump jump plough”, which let a farmer plough land which still had tree stumps on it. It did this by replacing the traditional plough shear with a set of wheels that could go over stumps, if necessary.

The developments in farm machinery were supported by scientific research. During the late 19th century, South Australian wheat yields were going down. An agricultural scientist at the colony’s agricultural college, John Custance, found that this was due to a lack of phosphates and advised the use of soluble superphosphate fertilizer. The implementation of this scheme revitalised the industry.

From early days it had been obvious that English and European sheep breeds had to be adapted to Australian conditions, but only near the end of the century was the same applied to crops. Prior to this, English and South African strains had been use, with varying degrees of success. William Farrer, from Cambridge University, was the first to develop new wheat varieties that were better able to withstand dry Australian conditions. By 1914, Australia was no longer thought of as a land suitable only for sheep, but as a wheat growing nation.

پاسخ های صحیح :

جواب سوال 1 : C
جواب سوال 2 : B
جواب سوال 3: C
جواب سوال 4: C
جواب سوال 5: A

بازگشت به صفحه تمرین مهارت ریدینگ آیلتس

مطالعه درس اول : روش جواب دادن به سوالات Matching Paragraph heading

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